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Chancellor's Status Committees Heading link

UIC established the Chancellor’s Status Committees to assist the campus community in supporting our diverse population. Each of the six status committees consist of students, faculty and staff that are nominated by existing committee members and appointed by the Chancellor to monitor the needs of underrepresented and underserved groups. Channeling their charge through various subcommittees, the Status Committees gather information on several facets of UIC life such as representation, climate, policies, services and practices that affect their constituents. Each year, each committee report to the Chancellor and make policy recommendations that improve the academic, professional, cultural and social welfare for these groups on campus.

Involvement in Status Committee meetings is open to the entire UIC community and supported by the Chancellor thereby considered approved for employee participation. The Chancellor encourages the campus to call upon the Status Committees to seek their assistance or take part in their efforts.

Diversity Advisory Committee (DAC) Heading link

The DAC is advisory group to the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Engagement (formerly the Vice Provost for Diversity) which consists of staff, students, and faculty who represent campus diversity-related units. It provides counsel on matters pertinent to enhancing the positive impact of diversity at UIC, specifically, diversity policy, procedures, and strategy.

The Associate Chancellor and Vice Provost for Diversity will be advised by a council comprising campus diversity experts, scholars, practitioners, and campus or college administrators. Known as the Diversity Advisory Council (Committee), it will meet regularly to assess progress and assist in identifying priorities.

A Mosaic for UIC Transformation  |  Goal 1.2A

Diversity Collaborative Committee (DCC) Heading link

The DCC is designed as a vehicle for facilitating communication, collaboration, and sharing of ideas across divisions of the university related to diversity efforts. Consisting of the chairperson(s) of each college and administrative unit’s diversity committee, this group is tasked with ensuring the development and continued mobilization of initiatives related to each unit’s diversity strategic plan. Specifically, its emphasis is on identifying areas for improvement, setting measurable goals, and monitoring progress toward those goals as it relates to advancing the principles of access, equity, and inclusion.

Each college and VC unit will establish a diversity and equity committee. The chair of this committee will report directly to his and her respective Dean or Vice Chancellor. Among the committee’s tasks will be setting the college’s or unit’s annual diversity goals and monitoring progress toward meeting those goals. The chairs of these committees will meet regularly as the Campus Diversity Planning Council (Diversity Collaborative Committee).

A Mosaic for UIC Transformation  |  Goal 1.2B