Rigo Padilla-Pérez Undocumented Student Resource Center

UIC is deeply committed to fostering an inclusive environment for students of diverse backgrounds including undocumented students. We take seriously our public mission and land-grant commitment to not only expand educational pathways for undocumented students, but also to ensure that they have high-quality educational experiences. The Office of Diversity promotes greater awareness and understanding of undocumented students’ experiences (while maintaining the confidentiality of individuals) and develops campus responses and processes to address their needs related to academic success.
Named, after the resilience and dedication of UIC alum, Rigo Padilla Pérez, the Undocument Student Resource Center was founded in October 2023 as a sanctuary for many undocumented students at UIC. Our center provides a range of resources and services for current and prospective students and their families who are undocumented or mixed immigration status. Our individualized support utilizes an integrative campus and community network to deliver academic assistance, financial aid, legal assistance, and even information on residency for in-state tuition and enrollment.
Center Director and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Inclusion, Tanya Cabrera, focuses on ensuring that undocumented students are informed about the resources and programs available to them at UIC, in the city of Chicago, and in the State of Illinois.
Tanya Cabrera
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Inclusion
Rigo Padilla-Pérez Undocumented Student Resource Center
1200 W. Harrison, Suite 2510A
Chicago IL 60607

UIC Co-Signs Amicus Brief Supporting DACA Recipients Heading link
The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has joined over 160 institutions and organizations in the movement to support the DACA program by signing onto the Presidents’ Alliance of Higher Education’s and TheDream.US brief which will pave the path for future leaders and DACA holders in higher education to amplify the fight and importance for DACA.