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UIC’s LARES CREAR Futuros mentorship program: A community of care

UIC LARES - Latin American Recruitment and Educational Services

For Latine students at UIC, the Latin American Recruitment and Educational Services (LARES) program has been an invaluable source of empowerment and support. As one of the largest and longest-standing student success units at the university, LARES is committed to recruiting and offering academic advising, financial aid assistance and educational assistance for Latine students.

The CREAR Futuros mentorship program, which connects upperclassmen and first-year students to give peer support and assistance with the goal to retain and graduate Latine students via peer-to-peer mentorship, is one of LARES’s most notable initiatives.

The matching process between mentees and mentors is thorough and individualized, explained Iliana Miranda, associate director of LARES: “We pair our mentees based on interests that align with the mentors. Sometimes that could be shared career interests, shared identities or personal interests.”

This pairing process fosters the development of solid, long-lasting relationships which foster the intellectual and personal development of mentors and mentees alike.

Launched in fall 2023, the UIC CREAR Futuros mentorship program has already had a noteworthy impact. Many first-year students who were initially anxious about attending college have gained confidence thanks to their mentors’ encouragement.

“We have students who have secured internships, employment and joined various student organizations [with the help of] our mentors who give a lot of themselves to their mentees and to the program,” said Miranda.

Mentors are essential in providing their mentees with support and guidance; they frequently go to events with them and help them in overcoming the obstacles of college life. The mentors get invaluable experience and enhance their leadership abilities by providing assistance to their peers in this program.

LARES intends to continue growing the mentorship program in the future, planning for a mentee cohort of 60, including a mix of first-year and second-year students. They intend to strengthen the program through incorporating more professional development opportunities, leadership training and potentially sponsoring conferences.

At the heart of LARES and the CREAR Futuros mentorship program is a devotion to giving back and community building. By providing comprehensive services and growing a solid community of care, LARES makes sure that Latine students have the resources and support they require to succeed. Through initiatives like CREAR Futuros, LARES remains steadfast in their commitment to the goal of enabling the upcoming generation of Latine leaders through ongoing expansion and change.

“It’s about bringing the next person with us and building leaders who will continue to move the advancement of Latine communities,” emphasized Miranda.