Apr 17 2024

Black Table Talk x DCC: Reading Discussion of Sami Schalk’s “Black Disability Politics”

Hybrid attendance (in-person & online)

April 17, 2024

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Black Cultural Center


209 Addams Hall, 830 S. Halsted St., Select

Event flyer

In anticipation of the 2024 Grace Holt Lecture and Celebration with Dr. Sami Schalk, UIC’s Black Cultural Center, Disability Cultural Center, and Racialized Body Cluster are hosting a reading discussion!

Join us to discuss excerpts from Dr. Schalk’s Black Disability Politics–the connections it draws and the questions it provokes. We’ll read some passages together to get the discussion rolling. To access the readings, please visit this link. We will be reading:

Introduction: Black Health Matters (pp. 1-17, 16 pages)
Praxis Interlude One: Anti-ableist Approaches to Fighting Disabling Violence (pp. 69-80, 12 pages)
(Not a) Conclusion: The Present and Futures of Black Disability Politics (pp. 154-160, 7 pages)
In this busy time of the semester, read what you can, and come as you are. Don't forget to register by visiting this link!

Lunch will be provided! We’ll have vegan and gluten-free options, and lunches will be boxed / take-away friendly, in case people prefer not to unmask around others to eat.

Book giveaway (while supplies last): Get a print copy of Black Disability Politics! Access Living’s Arts & Culture Project is generously sponsoring copies of the book to be given away.

Covid safety: More masking means more safety for immunocompromised people in our communities. Because lunch will be served, people will likely be unmasked to eat and drink. Please wear a mask when you’re not actively eating or drinking! We will have extras on hand.

Access info: We will have CART (live captions) in the Zoom and projected into the space. The BCC gallery is on the 2nd floor, and the elevator is located in an adjacent, connected building, Burnham Hall.

This event is hosted by UIC’s Black Cultural Center, Disability Cultural Center, and the Provost Initiative on the Racialized Body.

We want to thank our co-sponsors, Access Living’s Arts and Culture Project and the UIC Department of Black Studies, for their support.

ID: On a purple and fuscia background a flier features a banner at the top "UIC Black Cultural Center and Disability Cultural Center present." Just below the banner is a graphic of two black chairs at a table, and black letters read "Black Table Talk" and yellow letters read "DCC." Just below is the byline in white font "Reading Discussion on Sami Schalks," and in yellow "Black Disability Politics." The date of the event is in white italicized letters, "April 17, 12-1pm CST BCC Gallery and on Zoom." On the bottom left of the flier is a text box that shares more details on the event "In anticipation of the 2024 Grace Holt Lecture and Celebration, UIC's Black Cultural Center, Disability Cultural Center and Racialized Body Cluster will host a reading discussion on excerpts from Sami Schalks book! Read what you can, and come as you. Lunch provided!" On the right of this body of text is an image of the book cover with a black background, yellow letters with a red line above and below the book title "Black Disability Politics." At the bottom of the poster is a request in purple text on a yellow background, "Please RSVP on the Grace Holt website, You can find more details the readings, Zoom info and accessibility info." At the bottom is the logo for the centers, and the QR code for the event.



UIC Disability Cultural Center

Date posted

Apr 9, 2024

Date updated

Apr 9, 2024