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Campus Resources

If you would like to talk to someone about any questions or concerns you might have related to your experiences with campus climate, you are always welcome to reach out to the Office of Diversity, Equity & Engagement through our Contact Us page. In addition, there are several offices at UIC you are encouraged to contact. Below are links to select campus resources for students, faculty, and staff. These resources are not exhaustive, but they are a good place to start.

Resources for Students Heading link

UIC Counseling Center

The UIC Counseling Center provides mental health services to UIC students. They provide a wide range of clinical services, outreach and educational programming, consultation, and professional training. Center staff are committed to social justice and proud to provide culturally-affirming mental health services to UIC’s diverse student body.

Campus Advocacy Network

The Campus Advocacy Network provides education, training and advocacy for students, staff, and faculty who need assistance or information on issues related to gender-based violence (such as sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, harassment, and stalking) or feeling unsafe.

Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students strives to be the campus leader in fostering a caring and supportive environment where all students matter. Through a variety of offices, including Student Assistance, Community Standards, Student Legal and Student Veterans, we assist students in resolving issues so they can focus on their academic and social development.

Office of Access and Equity

The Office for Access and Equity provides resources and services to ensure that the university’s educational and employment opportunities are equitable, accessible, and inclusive for all.  The office is committed to excellence and integrity in our work, respect and responsiveness in our interactions with constituents, and collaboration with campus partners to advance the university’s values of equity, inclusion, academic freedom, and human dignity.

Resources for Faculty and Staff Heading link

Office of Access and Equity

The Office for Access and Equity provides resources and services to ensure that the university’s educational and employment opportunities are equitable, accessible, and inclusive for all.  The office is committed to excellence and integrity in our work, respect and responsiveness in our interactions with constituents, and collaboration with campus partners to advance the university’s values of equity, inclusion, academic freedom, and human dignity.

Campus Advocacy Network

The Campus Advocacy Network provides education, training and advocacy for students, staff, and faculty who need assistance or information on issues related to gender-based violence (such as sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, harassment, and stalking) or feeling unsafe.